Akyikatchy proposed that women's child-rearing should be counted as part of their labour experience

04/07/2023 - 15:22

Akyikatchy stated the importance of systemic change in preventing violence against children Akiykatchy (Ombudsman) of the Kyrgyz Republic Dzhamilia Dzhamanbaeva and UNICEF Representative in Kyrgyzstan Christine Jolm held a meeting.

The Ombudsman of the Kyrgyz Republic Dzhamilia Dzhamanbaeva and UNICEF Representative in Kyrgyzstan Christine Jolm held a meeting.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the importance of strengthening co-operation in the field of child rights protection in the Kyrgyz Republic.

In particular, they discussed the existing problems in children's institutions

residential institutions for children, as well as the rights of children repatriated from Iraq and living in families with close relatives.

Dzhamilia Dzhamanbaeva emphasised that violence against children is one of the global problems of modern society.

"Akyikatchy Institute has been actively co-operating with UNICEF in the Kyrgyz Republic for many years.

According to article 16 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, the principle of ensuring the best interests of the child applies. The best interests of the child. According to its mandate, the Ombudsman Institute constantly  monitors situations involving violations of children's rights. In order to systemic changes are needed to prevent violence against children.

It is also important to strengthen the work of co-operation between state bodies on the protection of the rights of minors," the Ombudsman said.

Dzhamilia Dzhamanbayeva noted that international studies prove, that children who stay in institutions for a long time are at risk of defective social and emotional development.

"In this regard, in 2022, the department for the protection of the rights of children, women and family, with the assistance of UNICEF in the Kyrgyz Republic, conducted two monitoring activities in the territory of the country:

Monitoring of the rights of children repatriated from the Republic of Iraq and living in the families with close relatives (79 children).

Monitoring of children's residential care institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The results revealed a number of problems," she said.

Christine Jolm noted the importance of strengthening the co-operation of government agencies with the Ombudsman Institute for the protection of children's rights in institutions.

The Ombudsman Institute to protect the rights of children in residential care centres.

"We are receiving alarming signals about the problems of children in institutions in residential institutions. In particular, we have been informed that there is a shortage of foodstuffs "in such institutions in Jalal-Abad. In this regard, we consider it important to continue monitoring in such institutions. Also taking into account other experiences in studying problems of repatriated children from war zones, it is necessary to continue the monitoring of children repatriated from Iraq in Jalal-Abad. monitoring of children repatriated from Iraq to Kyrgyzstan," she said.