The Deputy Akyikatchy Shukhrat Aitiev and OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Teresa Ribeiro held a meeting

06/07/2023 - 10:45

The Deputy Akyikatchy (Ombudsman) of the Kyrgyz Republic Shukhrat Aitiev and Representative on Freedom of the Media of Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Teresa Ribeiro held a meeting.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the rights of citizens to freedom of speech and expression.

The sides exchanged views on the importance of observing universally recognized norms to protect the rights of citizens to freedom of speech.

Teresa Ribeiro said that OSCE plans to launch a project in Kyrgyzstan “Safety of Journalists”.

“The project plans to provide UN member countries with mechanisms to ensure the safety of journalists. It is also important to note that there are problems for journalists with official information. There are cases when state bodies refuse to provide journalists with official information,” she said.

The parties mutually agreed on the importance of ensuring the safety and rights of media representatives to access information.

Aitiev emphasized that according to its mandate, the Ombudsman Institute advocates for respecting the rights and ensuring the safety of journalists.