Zhanibek Suyunbayevich Zhorobaev was born in 1978, has higher education.
In 1998 he graduated with a red diploma from the University of Economics and Entrepreneurship in Jalal-Abad (Faculty of Finance and Credit).
In 2002, he graduated with honours from Jalal-Abad State University (Faculty of Jurisprudence).
In 2014, he graduated from the K. Dikambaev Diplomatic Academy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic with a degree in International Relations.
Labour activities:
2000-2013. - National security officer.
2013-2015. - Head of the Department of the State Tax Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2015-2019. - Head of the Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Land Reclamation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2020 г. - Deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2021 - Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for National Security of the Kyrgyz Republic.