Gender equality
What is Gender Equality?
Gender equality is the equal legal status of women and men and equal opportunities for its realization, allowing individuals regardless of their gender to freely use their abilities to participate in political, economic, social, cultural, and public spheres of life.
What is Gender Discrimination?
Gender discrimination (direct, indirect) refers to any distinction, exclusion, or preference which restricts the rights and interests of individuals based on gender; aimed at weakening or denying the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise of equality between men and women in political, economic, social, cultural, civil, or any other areas of public life.
Direct gender discrimination includes:
Discrimination based on marital status, pregnancy, potential pregnancy, and family responsibilities.
Sexual harassment.
Unequal pay for equal work of equal qualifications.
How gender equality in labour relations should be implemented?
Employers in carrying out their activities should ensure step-by-step promotion towards gender representation
Employers are entitled to take positive action to achieve a balanced ratio of men to women in the various areas of work and among the various categories of worker
Employers, regardless of ownership form, must take measures to ensure that working conditions are equitable for individuals of different genders.
Employers are prohibited from announcements of job vacancies solely for women or solely for men in advertisements, except for specific roles that can only be performed by individuals of a particular gender; imposing different conditions; requesting information about personal life or plans regarding childbirth from job applicants.
Employers must provide individuals of different genders with the opportunity to combine their work responsibilities with family duties.